Sunday, February 2, 2014

Myths, Folktales, and Fables, Oh my!

I'm not very good at introductions so this will have to do.

As my title states, I will be discussing my fascination with what happens to be the theme of this English 1012 class; Myths and Folktales. As a kid, this specific genre revolved around my family immensely. Bedtime story? A myth that teaches the morals of good behavior. Camp fire story? A folktale about what happens to children when they get lost in the woods (usually had to deal with a cannibalistic family). These stories have managed to stay with me and my interest in them have grown since then. As a child, it was natural for me to believe in stories like this, but as an eighteen-year old college student, I want nothing more than to get closer to the truth:

Has things like this ever happened?

Surely, some of the myths and folktales we hear about sound heinous, unusual, and impossible, but what if these tales in someway actually happened? I just can't help but question it. We have learned many lessons from these odd stories, some that have taught us valuable things.

They say that all stories have some kind of truth to them, that they in someway took place. From our last reading in class, "Aesop, Aristotle, and Animals: The Role of Fables in Human Life" and the intriguing discussion we had about it, I'm beginning to believe that is true.

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